fake ad vol. 2, HD, 02:37 Min., Berlin/ Weimar, 2015.
German w/ English subtitles.
WWW.INCORPORATE_NOW.COM (fake ad vol. 2) is the second episode of a fake ad campaign that advertises immaterial and non-buyable products promoting them on websites that do not exist. Whereas in the first episode SAVE YOUR LAUGH NOW (fake ad vol. 1) the possibility of eternal laughing was advertised this episode focusses on incorporating the fullfilling spirit of being oneself. Therefore Lord Self invites to the last supper. Yet – as a criticism on the drastic development of replacing senses by the camera and capturing the self in as many photos as possible – the outcome is a great loss. All that remains are reproductions of the great god: Only duplicable selfies without soul…
BY AND WITH Evy Schubert
FUNDED BY the International Studio Programme of the city of Weimar and ACC Galerie Weimar.
Exhibited within the group show „Essen Fassen“ at ACC Galerie Weimar, 2015: